This course covers the material generally present in Latin I and Latin II college courses. Students encounter all the significant elements of Latin grammar, build a vocabulary of approximately 500 of the most common words while encountering far more, and become acquainted with Latin complex classical Latin syntax and structure. This is accomplished through a reading-based program, where all the grammar is first encountered in translations and then mastered through repetition, where all the vocabulary is consistently reinforced through repeated use in the readings, and where the complexity of the works read slowly increases until the student is reading completely unadapted and unabridged Latin.
Students will encounter a signficant variety of abridged and unabridged Latin texts from the Republican and Augustan eras of Rome, which will be the backbone of the course. Instruction will occur through guided reading, translation, live grammar instruction, and recorded tutorials. In this class, students will be provided with everything they need to proceed on their own toward reading fluency. This also prepares high-school students for the advanced AP Latin Course.
Course Modules
Segment 1: Plautus' Aulularia
Segment 2: Plautus' Amphitruo
Segment 3: Republican Legends
Segment 4: Cicero's In Verrem Part 1
Segment 5: Cicero's In Verrem Part 2
Segment 6: Sallust's Catiline Conspiracy
Segment 7: Ovid's Metamorphoses (unadapted) Book VIII Part 1
Segment 8: Ovid's Metamorphoses (unadapted) Book VIII Part 2
For more details and a complete schedule, consult the course Syllabus
Contact for Class Registration